The BAPP journey begins..........

Modules 1 and 2 completed in 2011/2012! After interrupting for 2 years I am now back to my BAPP studies and ready to conduct my professional inquiry.....

"What is the best way to prepare someone for full time professional training in Musical Theatre/Dance?"

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Trial Survey...

I have decided to conduct a trial of my Graduate survey with a couple of friends (who meet the criteria of course) in order to gain some feedback before sending it out on mass.  I have used the basis of my survey conducted in Module 2, however I have made some tweaks to make it more relevant to my inquiry question.

In doing this, I hope to ensure that my survey gets me the best possible data in relation to my inquiry.
Once trialled and feedback applied, I will post on the blog and I hope that as many of you will complete it as possible :)

Any SIG members out there?........

My inquiry focuses on the best preparation for young people wanting to enter full time professional training. 

I currently work as a Musical Theatre Tutor at Blackpool Sixth Form College and therefore my inquiry links to my own practice and how I can best prepare my BTEC students who want to pursue full time professional training.

If anyone thinks that this might link in any way, shape or form to their own inquiry then please do get in touch :)

Update on Module 3

Inquiry Title - "What is the best way to prepare someone for full time professional training in Musical Theatre/Dance?"

I am very excited about Module 3 and only wished that I could devote more time to it. Nevertheless, I am doing what I can and trying to move along as swiftly as possible.

My inquiry has three main strands....

1 - Interviews with Audition Panel members at Theatre Schools -  to find out what the country's leading Theatre Schools are looking for in potential students.

2 - Graduate Survey - from the perspective of people who have been through and survived the intensive training. What do they wish they had been told? What skills do they wish had been developed further before starting? etc.

3 - Literature Reviews surrounding my inquiry.

Where am I up to?..........

1 - I have had an excellent response from several Principals and Course Leaders at some of the country's top Theatre Schools. Using my mentor as my gatekeeper was an excellent strategy in order to gain access to this group and I have managed to interview 4 Principals/Course Leaders. The interviews have provided me with some really interesting and I hope useful data. At present I haven't had the time to fully analyse the responses, however I am looking forward to doing this very soon and seeing how this fits into my overall inquiry.

2 - I am currently in the process of sending out my Graduate survey via survey monkey. I hope to have this sent by the end of this week and responses back by the end of next week.

3 - I have spent a significant amount of time choosing literature which I believe will assist my inquiry. At present I have not conducted the literature reviews and this is most certainly next on the 'to-do' list! I will be using the guidance in Reader 7 in order to conduct my literature reviews.

As I have had a large interruption from study, I am still very much looking for SIG members and I shall be commenting on your blogs and getting to know your inquiries in more detail :)