The BAPP journey begins..........

Modules 1 and 2 completed in 2011/2012! After interrupting for 2 years I am now back to my BAPP studies and ready to conduct my professional inquiry.....

"What is the best way to prepare someone for full time professional training in Musical Theatre/Dance?"

Monday, November 24, 2014

Invaluable information....

I have spent this evening reading through my responses from my interviews. I was fortunate enough to conduct 4 interviews with senior leaders at some of the country's top Theatre Schools.

I have been trawling through the responses, looking at themes and stand out comments, however regardless of this, the information I have received is fantastic and I know that it will benefit my learners greatly.

I guess the point I am trying to make is....regardless of whether the data correlates or is analysed in the correct way for the purposes of this degree, the information I have received through this process is incredible and I am grateful for that, regardless of the outcome of the module (which fingers crossed I hope will be good :) )

I hope everyone is getting on well with their drafts and I look forward to reading more of your blogs in the coming weeks.

Jo :)


  1. Thanks Jo - it sounds like your practitioner research is something you are looking forward to analysing - a good sign for evidence! Good to hear expertise is already seen as valuable. Take you time and thin through the emerging findings - use research sources form BAPP Arts (Readers and Reading lists) and the IWBL Libguide on the library - good to have your methods (tools) and methodology make sense as that backs up the data gathered - and the findings - which sound like they will be useful.

  2. Hi Jo
    I really enjoyed your post. I couldn't agree more! I wrote a little about this in one of my earlier blogs.

    Reviewing Module 2- Changes/ Changes from last year! (28/10/2014)

    "Aim is to develop beyond the module itself as I feel this is something I have learnt from my previous assignments"

    'Adesola agrees that this is a good observation and how important the actual process is itself. When asked what and inquiry was in the campus session, are explanation focused more upon the journey and learning through the process itself, rather than the objective being about finding a right or a wrong answer. We are all different and may find so many different opinions and questions surrounding our topic. However, I believe we should take the parts we feel will work for us and that are relevant to are own practice and compare with the theories we don't fully relate to in order to develop understanding and greater knowledge. This we can then use to our advantage during our professional practice.

    Reviewing module 2 I have realised how important it is to be aware that you have strong opinions about your topic and to carry this thought with you from the beginning to the end. Keep questioning the ideas and the way you are reading things. This point that Adesola mentioned to me has really stuck out. I have my own opinion already in mind but I shouldn't let this hinder how I read or interpret any of the information. Make yourself ask questions that you wouldn't necessarily ask to try and get a different point of view . This then relates back to what I said earlier about using all of what you accumulate, even if you don't necessarily believe or understand it. The more we can put ourselves out there in other people's shoes and question it even more so, the more we can absorb an therefore develop our learning and knowledge.'

    Of course all this knowledge we are gaining through our inquiries is priceless, but the bit I love the most, is the process itself. I mean even from when we began in module 1 to where we are now. Im not sure about you, but I don't see myself coming out at the end of this inquiry with a right or wrong answer. I just enjoy that I have all these different opinions and theories that make me question what I inititially believed. I can put across my own thoughts and assumptions that I make but that doesn't mean that I want the people reading it to feel the need to agree with everything I say...because I don't agree with everything other people say. Even if they just find the parts that they feel relate to them, and they feel can help them through their profession and life. I think its just being open to what others have to say.

    Anyway I'll stop going on now! ha.
    Hope its all going well Jo. Speak to you in the week no doubt!
