The BAPP journey begins..........

Modules 1 and 2 completed in 2011/2012! After interrupting for 2 years I am now back to my BAPP studies and ready to conduct my professional inquiry.....

"What is the best way to prepare someone for full time professional training in Musical Theatre/Dance?"

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Task 3C: Sources of Information

Task 3c: Sources of Information

With this task we are exploring 'Information Networks' rather than 'People Networks'.  'People Networks' are a huge part of my Professional Networking and as I mentioned in Task 3a my ideal network is made up of contacts that I have acquired throughout my Professional Development.  This type of network is hard to maintain as it is vital to keep the links strong between you and your affiliates, but I believe if you put the effort and energy in and keep the links strong then this type of network is often the most reliable and benefitial.

On first reading the brief for the task, I was unsure what exactly was meant by 'Information Networks' and I have come to the conclusion that it is an information source that you regularly use, that helps you to develop and grow as a Professional.  Just as 'People Networks' are tools and sources of help for you within your Professional life, 'Information Networks' are sources/tools that provide us with Information that is vital within our Professional Practice. 

Brainstorm of 'Information Sources'
  • Industry Newspapers/Magazines e.g 'The Stage', 'Musical Stages' etc.
  • Spotlight - online CV Directory
  • Casting Sites - Casting Call Pro, Starnow etc.
  • Institution Resources - i.e College library - sheet music, plays
  • Contacts book
  • Information boards - e.g. notice board at studio
  • Theatre Websites - 'The Stage Online', 'Whats on Stage', Individual Show Websites
  • Facebook
  • You Tube
  • Download Sites - e.g. Sheet Music Direct
  • My personal resources - plays, dance syllabus', sheet music
  • DVD's and CD's
  • Dance Classes/Workshops -  (is this classed as a people network? The networking that goes on is obviously a 'people network' but the actual information source is the lesson itself and the new technique (information) you are gaining from the lesson)
  • Visiting the theatre - the same point from above arises.  The Information source is the show itself, however the networking would be talking to the cast etc. which is clearly 'People Network'. 
Obviously, in today's society web based information sources are the most common but I was actually surprised by how many non web based information sources that came to mind. 

My 5 most Important 'Sources of Information'

Casting Sites are one of my main sources of information.  I constantly check sites such as 'Casting Call Pro' and 'Star now' to see what auditions have been posted.  I check these sites whether I am in work or out of work.  I think it is extremely important to stay within the loop, even if you are secure in employment.  The amount and type of auditions that are coming up give you a good understanding on how the industry is at that time and you should always be monitoring the industry as you never now when you are going to re-enter.  Looking at the requirements for an audition is also a great information source; if you can see that cruise lines are constantly asking for a ballad and jazz standard for example, then if this is the kind of work you are interested in, you make sure that you have these types of songs available should an audition come up.   

Expanding my own resources is something I try to do regularly, so getting new sheet music, new monologues, Soundtracks etc.  My main source for this are web based downloading sites; 'Sheet Music Direct' - enables me to download sheet music in an appropriate key and you can print immediately, 'Ameritz' - a great site for getting backing tracks.  They have a huge selection and again you can download it in a variety of keys.  I mainly use websites for this but whilst at college I utilised greatly the resources they had available there.  Libraries are a great source of information, and even a local non specialised library can have many hidden surprises.  Our craft is our livlihood and the more information and resources we can get, the more developed as a professional we will become. 

I am a huge fan of the traditional Notice Board.  I used to take class regularly in London and would easily spend half an hour each visit glancing through the wealth of information posted on the notice board.  Auditions would be posted, details of future classes/workshops, houses for rent, tutors available etc. All sorts would be posted on the notice board and you could come away from a class, not having spoken to anyone, but with 2 or 3 auditions lined up and 2 new classes pencilled in for that week.  For me this is a prime example of 'Information Network' rather than 'People Network'.  The notice board also gives you the opportunity to post things, for example if you are looking for something in particular, you can post it up on the notice board and hope that someone within the network of the studio would contact you with the information you require. 

General theatre websites are a great source of information for any Professional within this industry.  Sites such as 'The Stage' and 'Whats on Stage' provide a huge range of information all relating to our specific industry.  The Stage website provides not only information about upcoming auditions but general advice, reviews of shows, information on training, blogs, upcoming events etc.. I have used the phrase 'in the loop' numerous times when talking about Networking, but it is so true.  You have to be in the loop and in order to do this you need to be aware of what is going on around you within the industry.  You also have to be able to extract information for yourself e.g if there is an article about an upcoming musical, then your brain should be saying...Audition opportunity!! It is about being switched on and utilising the information sources that are available to you!

Finally, I think the phenomenom that is You Tube is a fantastic information source.  I usually use You tube to watch clips of shows that I haven't had the opportunity to see live.  I like to watch Broadway shows and see what is happening in theatre over the other side of the world.  The videos can be a great source of inspiration for me; an incredible singer or great choreography and I am inspired to work harder and achieve what they have achieved.  I also use it as a reference tool for auditions - say for example I had an audition for Fame, I would watch clips of the show and try to get a feel for the style and choreography of the show.  It is about trying to get ahead of the game and giving yourself the best opportunity!

At the end of the day all of these Information Sources/Networks enable us to develop as Professionals.  They help to give us the tools and skills needed to survive and blossom within this tough, ever changing, unpredicatble industry that is 'The Arts'.  I believe that these information networks are equally as important as people networks, both are essential in the growth and development of our Professional Practice. 

How do I organise all of Information gained?

To be honest my Journal is starting to become a great tool for this - organising and gathering information.  I keep my journal on my netbook, which suits me perfectly as my whole life is pretty much on this one tiny laptop.  If I really like a certain video on Youtube, I can copy the URL and paste it into my Journal entry for that day. No doubt I will be writing about the video and if I need to access it again, I can simply flick through my Journal and find the link to the video.  Anything that I have found particularly useful that day or any information gained that needs to be written down, I can write it in my journal and it can be easily accessed whenever needed. 
Before my Journal I had a 'Personl Contacts' book and would write down information in here, but this was mainly for keeping contact details of 'people networks'.  I always keep copies of emails in files on my computer and pretty much have all my information stored on my netbook.  I guess this is proof of how technology really has influenced our learning styles!!

I have no doubt that are more Information Sources that I can be utilising and I look forward to reading about your 'Sources of Information'.  I will be commenting on my views of other's Information Sources and hopefully this will give me ways in which I can expand and improve upon my own gathering and organisation of Information. 

I look forward to blogging on your task 3c's :)


  1. Hey Jo
    Long time no speak to. My head has been so firmly on the assessment that i couldn't think about anything else. Done and submitted now though so back to reading everyones awesome blogs.
    Have you found that since starting your journal you blog less. I never expected my journal to take off as much as it has, i have, like you, iv'e come to depend on it much more than i ever thought i would. Its become my info/feeling safe haven and probably stopped me from writing more/sharing my thoughts more on my blogs, but as i've been looking at others blogs its lovely to see everyones thoughts, not just tasks, so i'm going to try and blog more my thinking processes on these subjects.

    Firstly - I Love the brain storm, it's a great idea and i have just done mine, inspired by you.
    It's great that you have integrated your journal with gathering and storing information other than just your thoughts but inspirational material too. I love this idea and will, if anything comes up, see my journal as a potential home for this too (like a scrap book).
    Your ideas and sources of information are testimony to the focus and drive you bring to your career.
    I agree with your statement "I believe that these information networks are equally as important as people networks, both are essential in the growth" but in my opinion I think that that they are even more important. In terms of self drive (rather than, as some performers do, rely totally on others to help them get where they want to go) and ensuring that when that opportunity does present its self that you are fully prepared (sheet music, familiar with choreography as you both you and Alicia Beck points out through the use of YouTube and with the company through Google as Liam Conman mentions).

    Great piece of work darlin. Really clear and jammed full of helpful information to inspire others.

    Speak again soon
    Stay safe - Phil

  2. Hi Jo,
    Really interesting i like your idea of blogging your brainstorming, i never thought of showing that but it is importsant to show you have thought about all different ways of gathering information and then carefully selecting the 5 that are most useful to you.
