The BAPP journey begins..........

Modules 1 and 2 completed in 2011/2012! After interrupting for 2 years I am now back to my BAPP studies and ready to conduct my professional inquiry.....

"What is the best way to prepare someone for full time professional training in Musical Theatre/Dance?"

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Journal Writing Experience - so far.......

I must say that I was apprehensive about this task to start....

'What will I write about?' 'Will I be embarrassed writing to myself?' 'Will I even know where to start?'

But I have to say that I am really enjoying it! I am finding it very theraputic and it really does clear my mind.  For me, it seems to be a way of emptying all my thoughts and creating space for the experiences of the next day :) I have never wrote a journal before, I am a list girl, I write lists on lists and this is usually how I function.  I am trying as best as possible to focus on my Professional life rather than personal for the purposes of the course, however I am tempted to start writing a personal Journal it has inspired me that much :)

I read Aicha's blog about the lovely notepad as the reward.  I love this idea as I am a massive stationary geek, however I have been using my netbook as I must admit my handwriting isn't the best. Also, I feel my thoughts are coming out so quickly that I wouldn't be able to write them quick enough without having a big scribbled mess in my lovely notepad, perhaps a Cath Kidston or Paperchase :)

I was really surprised that the 'List' method really did not work for me.  Being an avid list maker I thought this would be the perfect method for me, however I felt restricted and I felt that I could not develop on thoughts that I deeply wanted to expand on. In this case I don't think that true reflection could really take place.  I have found the evaluation method best so far, combining with this a little bit of description to remind myself of the events that have taken place.  The evaluation aspect really made me think about my day and what I had learned from the events.  It made me look at a new way of going forward, and be more productive in my day to day activities.  It made me ask what worked? what didn't work? and how will I tackle this in the future?

So, so far so good :) Really enjoying this task! I still have a few more different methods to try and then I will be fully analysing on my Journal Writing Experience.

Take care and happy Journal Writing xxx


  1. Jo - good to see you working with the task - it is clear that you are using the tasks to look at your professional experience - how have you used the methods of examining your professional experience using theory or insights into practice by 'listing' what you do? What have you actually experienced? Remember you can anonymise the journal extracts for the blogs...

  2. Hi Paula,

    Thank you for the comment. I'm not completely sure what you mean by 'listing' what I do?
    Could you explain this a little further so that I can develop on it?

    Thank you Paula x
