The BAPP journey begins..........

Modules 1 and 2 completed in 2011/2012! After interrupting for 2 years I am now back to my BAPP studies and ready to conduct my professional inquiry.....

"What is the best way to prepare someone for full time professional training in Musical Theatre/Dance?"

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Link to current Professional CV

Hey everyone, here is a link to my current Professional CV.....

I've taken a look at some of your Task 1a: Professional Profile and have got some useful tips, so thank you very much :)

I'm having trouble commenting on other blogs at the moment, so as soon as I get that sorted I'll be commenting lots!!!

So, I best make a start then........


  1. Hi Jo.

    Great cv, the link works perfectly. It is nicely laid out and easy to find the important information. I would think twice about having your mobile number online though, just "**" it out. I shall now go on to read your Professional Profile.

  2. Hi Jo
    Good job getting your CV up and running and the link to it 'embedded' (?!? is that right?!?) into your blog.
    As for constructive comments; It is very clearly laid out and easy to read, follow through. I think that something may have happened to your spacing in the linking it to your blog process. Just check the spacings near the bottom as the ISTD has slipped out of line with the others and at the top i think that it would be easier on the eye if they also were all in line and moved a little to the right to make them clearer to read.
    These are tiny points, and could be seen as nit picky, but when you think that in most cases this is your first point of contact with a casting director or what ever, and they will undoubtedly have another hundred to look through, you need to ensure that you do not give them any think that instantly puts them off or paints you in a less than favourable light. A badly formatted (which your is not) CV, or one with simple spelling mistakes gives off the impression of a careless, hap hazard work ethic and therefore person.
    I would also jiggle things around to get it all on one page, the last line's slipped down which creates a feeling of "there should be more here on this CV".
    Sounds like a lot but it really is just very minor spacing adjustments to allow your otherwise brilliant CV to give off the clear, easy to follow and professional image it gives off.
    After all of that I'm going to go and upload my own CV (or try dam hard to anyway. When I manage please let me know your thoughts-all feedback is appreciated and useful)
    Hope at least some of this has been of help Jo.
    Stay safe - Phil

  3. Hey Jo. The CV is looking good. As Phil said I would just try to juggle it about so it fits on one page, also could you maybe add the companies that you performed the shows with?
    I think it's great that you've put that you have a driving licence, I'm going to add that to my CV as it's useful for the employer to know if you are needed to drive to work that you are able to get yourself there. Also what do you think about putting a small head shot of you at the top so that an employer would be able to put a face to a name if he or she were looking at your CV after an audition and trying to remember who you were?
    Hope that this feedback was a help,

  4. Thank you everyone for the comments...

    Jessica - That's a good point, I'll go on to it and blank the number out!

    Phil - I think as I've put the document onto google docs it has altered the spacing. I'll go into it and re-arrange so that the spacing is correct and it all fits on the one page. I completely agree, the presentation of a CV is extremely important so I don't think you're being nit picky at all! Thank you for letting me know!

    Emily - I have often thought about putting a small headshot on my CV. We have a hard enough job being remembered from an audition so an extra visual image would definitely be an advantage. I'm going to play around with the layout and see if I can put one somewhere.

    Thank you so so much for all the comments. Tomorrow I intend to have a good look through everyone's CVs and Profiles and I will blogging in due course :)
